Adeala, Adeniran Jolaade
Lecturer III
ND, HND (Civil Engineering), B.Sc., M.Sc. (Civil Engineering)
Lecturer III|ND, HND (Civil Engineering), B.Sc., M.Sc. (Civil Engineering)
Civil Engineering
National Diploma & Higher National Diploma
Research Interest
Structural Engineering Development of environmental friendly and high strength concrete (green concrete) to reduce environmental pollution (global warming and global diming) reduction valuable landfill space, reduction in the utilization of natural resources and reduced cost of construction for sustainability in construction
Conferences Attended
1. Adeala A.J. 2019 ‘The Use Of Powdery Ceramic Tiles As Partial Replacement Of Ordinary Portland Cement In Concrete Production’7th National Environmental Conference On Sustainable Environment And Economic Development: Challenges, Options And Prospects’. The Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ogun state.
2. Adeala A.J & Adeyinka S.M. 2018’Investigation of Snail Shell As Partial Replacement of Ordinary Portland Cement In Concrete’. International Conference And Exhibition On Technology Innovation And Global Compititiveness ‘’Knowledgde And Technological Innovation For Global Competitiveness’’. The Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ogun state.
3. Sanni H.A & Adeala A.J. 2018’Investigation of Fowl Egg Shell As Partial Replacement Of Ordinary Portland Cement In Concrete’. International Conference And Exhibition On Technology Innovation And Global Competitiveness. ‘’Knowledge And Technological Innovation For Global Competitiveness’’. The Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ogun state.
4. Adeala A.J 2016.’ An Investigation on the Effect of Expanded Polystyrene on Concrete’. National Engineering Conference, The Federal polytechnic Ilaro, Ogun State.
5. Adeala A.J & Omisande L 2016. ‘The Use of Broken Ceramic Tiles As Partial Replacement Of Coarse Aggregates In Concrete’.ASUP Conference, The Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ogun state.